"If Satan can not make us sin, he will make us busy!"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 8 Isaac's Birth and Sacrifice

Genesis 21:1-22:19

Have you ever felt a time when God was testing you? When and how?

Did your "time of testing" make you a stronger person?


The Blake Family said...

Oh boy...have I ever...RIGHT NOW!! This move to Scotland started back last fall...and every step of the way my husband and I have been tested as a family. It has been our hardest move yet...by a long shot!! My faith in God has grown stronger...and still growing!

The Blake Family said...

Here's another thought I had after reading...what were Isaac's thoughts?? Did he think his dad had gone absolutely mad or did he too, understand the fear of God and obeying God and just trusted that God would save him?? Hmmm...any thoughts??

Vicki Blake said...

I know that this might not be the point. But I always feel a little sorry for Hagar. Here Sarah told her husband to go have a kid with her maidservant then she turns on her when Isaac is born. (Not to mention that Abraham actually did it). Then Hagar has to wonder in the desert. God provided for her which is cool but I am sure if her child was to the point of dying from thirst that it was not easy for her. I guess it just shows that even the great ones of the bible, full of faith, are still human. i.e Sarah lost faith in God and made a stupid decision then was scared of the consequences. That some other kid might trump the promise that God had given. Maybe someone has more insight into this than me?

As far as what Isaac must of thought when he was bound? I have no idea.

LeRay said...

I read today. I always have so many questions after this passage. What did Isaac think or say? Was Abraham crying when he was tying him up etc... I have pulled out my Beth Moore Patriarchs Study I did last year. Good stuff!

JL said...

I struggle with this story everytime I read it. What kind of amazing faith would it take to follow through with setting up your child as a burnt offering? I know it is a stretch, but a few weeks a ago a mother threw her children off an overpass and onto Hwy 30. Terrible, I know! I can only imagine the intense emotions that led up to this event. Yet, Isaac merely asked "where is the offering?" and then is satisfied with "God will provide." How many times am I faced with "God will Provide" and I think "No Way, I got this one!" My prayer is that I have faith like Abraham.

Here's the Plan

Our Challenge starts on Monday, April 7, 2008. If you want to join us in this challenge you will need to click on this link: http://www.ministryplanet.net/sites/e100/Individuals From there you will be able to find all of the resources you will need for free. Our goal is to read five stories a week. This gives us two days off to catch up or take a breath. Please blog as often as you would like. LeRay and Jennifer will post the questions from the discussion guide, but feel free to comment on anything you wish. We are so excited to see what God has in store for us, the "Bible Blogging Sisters!"