"If Satan can not make us sin, he will make us busy!"

Sunday, April 6, 2008

On your mark, get set, GO!!!

So Jenn and I are just gonna let this thing evolve and become whatever it shall be...
We will post the reading for each week and a question or two to think about, journal about or post a comment. We would love even a simple post of "I read today". The simple act of checking in on things like this does wonders for our ability to follow through.

Our goal is to read 5 passages in 7 days. Here is this weeks reading. We will post on Sunday night for each weeks readings.

Genesis 1:1-2:25

Genesis 3:1-24

Genesis 6:5-7:24

Genesis 8:1-9:17

Genesis 11:1-9

Questions to consider:
In what ways today have you seen evidence of God in the world around you?
How do you "define" sin. What makes you feel guilty and how do you handle guilt?
How do you handle temptation or situation where you feel surrounded (like Noah) by sin?
When is pride a bad thing? a good thing?
Other insights?

Ok so start reading and commenting along the way.


Pen the Tale said...

I read today...and hope to read the passage again and mull over its words. My heart is a spiritual wasteland and my mind is focused on the tasks of the day. I hear my toddler calling my name and so I will be back :)

LeRay said...

I read today...
I just read it once and it surely deserves a 2nd or 3rd reading, but my first thought as I read v.1 was to sigh because it sounded so still, quiet, peaceful, yet this huge force about to awaken. My other first thought was "how long did the smaller things take?" I know God is not bound by time, but as I read thru to 2:25 I get this mental imagery of watching everything happen like on a time lapse camera. When a tree "grew out of the ground" v.9 did it grow real fast or grow like a tree does now?
I know these are not deep spiritual insights. Maybe with the next reading.

Good Job Sim!!!!

JL said...

I read today...
I am glad that I did! I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I wish that had someone or something to blame, but no it was just me. I wonder how much of this was satan trying to control my day. I have overcome that, not as fast as I wish I would have, but I did. God is so good! My question is this...What did the world look like before the waters were separated on day 2? Anyone?

Kristy said...

I read today, How awesome must it have been to stand before God and not feel ashamed. 2:25, of course I don't regret anything in my life but this verse stood out in my mind and it really started to get me thinking about Heaven and where God intends for us to live. Where we can finally stand before Him again and not be ashamed.

Kristy said...

Question, Why did God set a day aside for each step in creating the universe when it can't be denied that God has the power to just skip the 7 days right to the point of creating Adam... why did God work for 6 days?

Pen the Tale said...

i read tuesday's reading.

What struck me was how Eve could be tempted to disobey God even when sharing in perfect fellowship with Him. We are cursed with sin nature at birth but Eve had never tasted of separation from God the Father. Still, a simple question by an outside party raised enough doubt for her to "put herself first".

The Blake Family said...

It's so great to go back and reread the Creation Story. Our God is COMPLETELY amazing. And to think, He thought we were important enough to send his son to die for us...WOW...humbling!

The Blake Family said...

Oooo...good question, Jenn. Hmmm...I'll have to think on that one!

And, here's something to contemplate...I lead a study about 6-7 months ago of "The Bad Girls of the Bible" (great study by Liz Curtis Higgs if your ever interested...I highly recommend it!) and Eve was the first bad girl. I had never thought of her as a "bad girl" before completing the study. Has anyone ever thought of Eve as a "bad girl of the Bible?" After reading today's reading, would you agree that she fits into this category?

JL said...

Tuesday- The Fall! I had never thought of Eve as one of the bad girls before. I guess we look past the fact that this was not necessarily they way God had originally intended, or is it? If there is a "master plan" would he not have known that eve would eat from the tree of knowledge? (point #1 to ponder)
*As women we are always searching for acceptance/knowledge/something better than we currently have. Is this the beginning of that, too? Isn't that exactly what Eve wanted...something more than she had, when she had all but one thing in the entire world. Yet, she had to have that too. (point #2 to ponder)

LeRay said...

I read Tuesday night after a full day. I didn't drag myself back upstairs to comment. I DID READ THOUGH!! :)
The Fall is always a tough read, I always end with a sigh and think what could have been, but then smile and think, what WILL be. I was wondering what Adam and Eve were doing, thinking, saying when God was handing out their punishments. Did they understand the gravity of the choices they made? Were they weeping, begging, or clueless?

Here's the Plan

Our Challenge starts on Monday, April 7, 2008. If you want to join us in this challenge you will need to click on this link: http://www.ministryplanet.net/sites/e100/Individuals From there you will be able to find all of the resources you will need for free. Our goal is to read five stories a week. This gives us two days off to catch up or take a breath. Please blog as often as you would like. LeRay and Jennifer will post the questions from the discussion guide, but feel free to comment on anything you wish. We are so excited to see what God has in store for us, the "Bible Blogging Sisters!"