"If Satan can not make us sin, he will make us busy!"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Working out the kinks...

Ok so that we don't have a weeks worth of comments and everyone trying to figure out if that comment came from Monday's reading or Tuesday's etc. I am going to post the reading each day and then you can comment under that scripture when you read it. I think it will help us keep our thoughts organized. We can start this tomorrow.

Wednesday's Reading: Genesis 6:5-7:24

Love to see all the comments!!!


The Blake Family said...

I realize that most of you are just now getting up for the day, but it's noon here, and I have read my study for the day. I think it is completely amazing how Noah just put his complete faith in God, no questions asked. My initial question was answered later as I read...how long did all this take?? Answer: A long time!! Hope you all have blessed days and are awed, as I was, by the story of Noah and his faithfulness to God!! Noah is such a witness to me!

LeRay said...

Ok so first is it totally irreverent that as I was reading about Noah, I could only picture Steve Carrell??? :)
Ok kidding aside. I was thinking about patience. How patient Noah had to be in building the ark, waiting for God to bring the flood, waiting for the flood to end etc. and how patient God was before sending the flood, 120 years! Makes me think about how impatient I am with small things, tasks and people!

JL said...

I agree with LeRay I am so impatient with little things that come up in my life. To wait 120 years and still have faith that this is really the plan, would be the greatest challenge. I am just amazed at how fast the world turned evil. We tend to think that in the year 2008 the "world" as bad as it can be, but we still have people following God so I guess it is not as bad as it was then.

Pen the Tale said...

When my in-laws remarried a few months back, the pastor that performed the ceremony spoke of covenant - specifically God's covenant with Noah. The pastor said that when God covenants with us, He provides the tools necessary to fulfill our part of the deal. We still toil and struggle and work in faith but He gives us the "blueprint". I thought on that when reading this passage on Wednesday. What a huge undertaking! A boat? in the desert? All the animals of the earth???? And the one thing that really stuck out...he had collect ENOUGH food for his family and the animals....wow!

Here's the Plan

Our Challenge starts on Monday, April 7, 2008. If you want to join us in this challenge you will need to click on this link: http://www.ministryplanet.net/sites/e100/Individuals From there you will be able to find all of the resources you will need for free. Our goal is to read five stories a week. This gives us two days off to catch up or take a breath. Please blog as often as you would like. LeRay and Jennifer will post the questions from the discussion guide, but feel free to comment on anything you wish. We are so excited to see what God has in store for us, the "Bible Blogging Sisters!"